Friday, October 3, 2008

Say it Ain't So, Joe!

What was your favorite "folksy" charmer of the debate last night? Hard to choose, right? Seems Palin managed to appease the base, but Independents? Not so much, polls show. Geeze. Apparently their expectations weren't so low that she exceeded them, or maybe their expectations were quite low and they watched the debate not quite drunk enough to imagine that she might possibly have exceeded them. Exceeded what, exactly? So she didn't fall on her face. So she managed to evade every single question asked of her.  What a strong woman to blow kisses and smile and sneer AND stay standing all at once. What a politico to evade so masterfully. And what about that, goshdarnit? Isn't Palin such a suave mistress of evasion that it might seem, in fact, that SHE is the one most prepared to carry on Washington's "elite" ways? 

Read something funnier: Palin poems.