Friday, September 26, 2008

Now We're Getting Somewhere

The RIGHT calls for Palin to step down:

Responding to interviews like this one with Katie Couric, prominent conservative columnist Kathleen Parker, a big Palin supporter when McCain first announced his VP nomination, now says Palin is "out of her league" and should step down. READ this column.

And for a broader look at other conservatives raising serious questions about Palin: read this.


Unknown said...

It is amazing how the conservatives are even turning on Sarah. I wonder if they will end up voting for Barack Obama. I hope so. Maybe Sarah will bring the country to consensus like nothing else has. I hope she does not resign from her nomination because she hurts the Republican ticket. I campaigned for Obama in Pennsylvania this weekend. There were so many Obama signs and people were quite positive. The ones who supported Hillary (like myself) were the most discouraged. (There were some former Hillary supporters there to help us campaign, too. I got a "Hillary Sent Me" button!) They are not voting for Palin and McCain, but they might not vote at all. We tried to change their minds. It was fun and interesting! We went door to door and visited about 160 houses.

AS said...

So what were you saying to try and change their minds? And what did they seem to respond to?