Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OHIO - "Clinton ignores Palin" - ?

An article in yesterday's Washington Post describes a rally Hilary Clinton held there for Obama, and her almost utter avoidance of the Palin issue. We've heard the reason before: any negative attention focused on Palin is attention off Obama. Okay. Hm. So the idea is to ignore her in the hopes that she - and the excitation she's caused - will go away? Why not take care of misperceptions now, not with sensational attacks but a rational laying out of her record? It would only take a few facts to make clear that Palin is not a friend to women's rights. If Hilary Clinton doesn't want to be the one to do it for her own political (ego-maniacal) reasons, someone else should. Ohio is key. I tried finding contact info for some kind of group there, women for Hilary or somesuch, who might be able to work on this. Put together a rally like the one in Alaska (see yesterday's post). Anyone with ideas about this, I'd love to hear them.


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work! Sarah Palin is a terrible choice for vice president. I think the republicans are insulting women everywhere. I am definitely voting for Barack Obama. In fact this weekend my husband and I are going to Pennsylvania to campaign. I am a middle aged woman, a teacher, and a mother. I was a Hillary supporter in the primaries, but now I am encouraging all Hillary people to vote Democratic for the sake of our country. Keep up the hard work-very patriotic!

Kam (my post says art-that's my husband)

AS said...

Great that you're going to campaign in PA. A question for you: as a former Hilary supporter, what do you make of her lack of commentary on Palin? If you were a Hilary supporter who was drawn to Palin, do you think it would hurt or help to hear Hilary speak out clearly on her record/stance on women's rights?

Unknown said...

In response to your question what do I think about Hillary's no publicity against Sarah Palin, I think Hillary is trying to be smart politically to help Obama. I just got an email from her to recruit me to work for a campaign called "Hillary Sent Me." I am not going to sign up because I already signed up with Obama-too confusing. I do think this is her response to try to get her people on board with Obama. She wants us to go to battleground states or volunteer in our own states for Obama. I hope she does find a way to point out Sarah Palin's short comings in the press. I think it needs to be handled carefully. It could backfire and make people defensive. Keep in touch.

AS said...

Interesting. I'll have to check that out: Hillary Sent Me. Good title.

Unknown said...

I just voted no on the poll. I can't believe how many people are falling for this! I was watching the news and the image of her with world leaders was ridiculous. They must be so distrustful of America. We have to win this election!